We thought we were die-hards, arriving at 7am, half an hour before the doors open and a full two and half hours before the event started. By the time we arrived there was already one or two thousand people waiting in line. I guess that means they are Obamaniacs and Josh and I are merely Obamites. You can't be the best at everything.
Back to Richardson: When this whole campaign started I was a Richardson supporter. He was my number one, err, numerouno. Unfortunately he was never able to consistently break above the 10% ceiling in any state outside New Mexico, but after demonstrating significant support he, like John Edwards only a few weeks later, joined the elite club of "Most Sought-After Endorsements" (those two plus Al Gore make up the trifecta, not to be confused with The Trifecta of Power). At 6:30am, while printing out my official event ticket (which, btw, was simply a printed text-only email), I saw that Richardson was endorsing Obama. Hooray! My old guy was backing my new guy which in turn backed up my decision to move on to Obama. I looked at Josh, he looked at me and said, "Maybe Richardson will publicly endorse for the first time today." And he was right! We witnessed the endorsement first hand, with our own eyes and ears, very cool.
The enthusiasm and energy was phenomenal, all the way down to the golf club-holding town crier imploring people to support the impeachment of Bush. Whether you agree with Obama's policy's or not, you must admire the way he inspires millions of people. It's a breath of fresh air from modern politics. More in the next few day about specific policies... now off to bed. Enjoy the photo:
sounds awesome
p.s. whyy was i unaware of that trifecta blog.. can you tell butner i'm obsessed with him (via those videos) so we can be blog friends already?
Haha, okay, deal. I'll let him know.
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