Thursday, March 27, 2008

Back from the Waterfalls

Hello My Vast Readership. It's been one week sans posting, but I'm back and (hopefully) ready to write. The past week has been comprised of nearly 500 miles in the car, a couple good bike rides, and a few days camping and eating delicious trail mix. Seriously delicious. I've found--and this trip validated--that if you give me snack food I will continue to eat it whether I'm hungry or not. Snack monster. Yummy.

The camping was great. We went to Silver Falls State Park with a bunch of Serena's friends who were rad. Some of the highlights: Mike, who just had his appendix out; Brekke, a photographer and fellow cyclist; Andy, the most helpful and kind camping compatriot;

Shit, it's hailing as I write this. WTF? Where's spring?

Taza and Tammy, daring chefs of kabobs while camping; Nick, a newly-converted steamroll connoisseur; and The 'Coon who pillaged our campsite for garlic bread and butter. Lots of butter. He ate (hopefully his crew helped) an entire box of butter save half of one stick. Every evening and night he kept coming back for more, terrorizing our corner of the park. Mike and I went hunting, armed with hatchets and testosterone, only to be thwarted by the thick Oregon forests. Damn you Coon!

A video of my favorite waterfall:

And a cool photo snapped and doctored up by my new homey Brekke:

I have other videos and pictures worth sharing but they are sideways (took the picture vertically). So, a question in need of an answer: Can I upload a picture/video and rotate it here? If not, do I have to do that offline and then upload the edited picture/video? Does anyone know how to rotate a video file? As you can see, Zachary is often computer-illiterate.

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