Friday, June 6, 2008

McCain the Copycat

Copycats, are we?

Barack Obama's logo:

John McCain's "new" logo for the "Decision Center" on his website:

Barack Obama's slogan:

"Change We Can Believe In."

John McCain's "new" slogan for the "Decision Center" on his website:

"A Leader We Can Believe In."

Same colors. Same red and white stripes. Same blue background. Same words. Apparently the McCain camp isn't too original, but that's rich. Wow.

1 comment:

Serena said...

You know where they got that 'red and white stripes' and 'blue' combo idea?

The flag.

Do you think they should be using purple circles and orange wavy lines! I mean really, there are only so many options.

I'm more concerned with why they didn't photo shop out one of his eight mouth wrinkles. I mean DAMN.