Saturday, June 14, 2008

Farmers Market Bonanza

This morning Serena and I rode our bicycles to the Corvallis Farmer's Market to pick up some delicious food. We did it because it's good for the local farmers, as my friend Erin describes, good for the environment, and good for our bodies. Plus, by riding our bicycles and buying local food, our carbon footprint is small! Hooray!

Maybe the best part, however, is that the food tasted amazing. Right when we got home I whipped up some eggs, toast, and strawberries for breakfast. I never knew because I rarely eat locally-raised, free range eggs, but they honestly taste exponentially better.

Then the strawberries. Ooooohhh the strawberries. This was the first bunch of local strawberries I have had this year and it brought front and center just how much better local (ripe) strawberries are compared to their store-bought (white and over sized) counterparts. More than any fruit strawberries improve the most when they are fully ripe. Am I right?

So, three cheers for farmer's markets and healthy, tasty food!

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