While on my big East Coast swing I borrowed a book from a friend's boyfriend: Kurt Vonnegut's Timequake. The plan was to read it along the way and mail it to him when I finished the book. Everything went according to plan until I received this:
Evidently the book exploded out of Packaging Jail and escaped. Oh no! In my book (pun intended) one of the major Friend Sins is borrowing something and losing it, no matter where the fault lies. Ugh.
I'm supposed to fill out some forms in hopes that they find the lost contents or, perhaps, I can recoup the loss financially. It goes for $.29 on Amazon, but the sentimental value is priceless. Oh my.
My apologies J-Dizzle and M-Flow (identities protected!!!!).
yeah right you just did that because you hate vonnegut so much...
gross ear plug btw.
No, but quite plausible.
wow. i'm glad that wasn't me. ha. the ear plug is a nice touch.
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