Saturday, July 26, 2008

McCain... Still Crazy

Turns out John McCain isn't finished being crazy (surprise, surprise). A couple weeks ago he said that knowing what we know now--that there were no WMDs in Iraq, that there were no terrorists in Iraq, that there were no terrorist ties to Iraq, that Iraqis would not embrace us with open arms, that we did not have enough troops for the job, etc etc etc--knowing alllllll that, he would still support the start of the Iraq War.

Seriously? This guy is crazy. Even after knowing that the war would be a failure, that thousands of troops would die and thousands more would be permanently disabled, that thousands of Iraqis would die and thousands more would be displaced, that Iran would grow in power, that worldwide terrorist recruiting would go up, that we wouldn't have enough troops in Afghanistan, that we would spend more than a trillion dollars in Iraq as our schools deteriorate, national infrastructure falls apart, and energy prices goes through the roof... after all that he would still support the war.

The mind reels.

Please tell your friends, John McCain is not fit to be president.

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