I took all my components down to the bike shop where I know the mechanic and we went to work. After a tire, chain, derailure, shifter, brakes, housing, wheel true, seat post tightener, handlebar tape, and peddles, the bike is fully operational and looks great!!!!
Painting: $20
Bottom Bracket: $18
Today's costs: $118
Total: $156
I thoroughly busted my idealistic budget, but I learned a lot (especially from today's session) and have a great commuter bike. I hope you all like it!
A HUGE thanks to Whit, the mechanic down at The Mountain Works. He gave me a great deal on parts and labor and let me hang around and learn a bit about his trade. If you're a La Grande local or passing through I highly recommend their shop!
That is awesome. Build me a bike and I will buy it!
This I will consider.
this is a beauty! I'm jealous. I've been riding an old Raleigh around Boston that is crying out to be shown some love and turned into a sweet single speed. We'll see. I'll be in LG next after next weekend.
Thank you sir! It's a pleasure to ride, especially compared to me old ORC3 aluminum frame that rattled me apart around town. Perhaps we should do some work on your bike when you're in town. I'm no expert, but with our powers combined perhaps we are!
PS That might be the weekend of the alumni soccer game. Bring your boots and play!
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