Sunday, July 13, 2008

SUVs and Trucks

I generally loath SUVs and heavy trucks that are used for commuting rather than their intended use: work. Vehicles are for moving people and with environmental and financial concerns what they are, people should use the most efficient vehicle that fits their needs. For every extra gallon of gas used because folks drive an oversized vehicle (or walk/ride) there are extra greenhouse gases emitted, increased smog in the air, and more money in the coffers of extreme regimes around the world.

Read that again: Every extra gallon you use sends more money to places like Saudi Arabia and, eventually, into funding extremist organizations. Eventually our soldiers and taxpayer dollars are expended fighting those very organizations we fund.

I was reminded of this when I read a great slogan that was pasted across a billboard depicting a hummer. It read:
Real soldiers die in their Hummers so you can play soldier in yours.

On that note, I've always wanted to paste stickers on SUVs that read, "Osama loves your SUV."

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