Sunday, May 4, 2008

McCain Drops a Bomb (No, not on Iran... yet)

For the five years since the invasion and occupation of Iraq there have been millions of people arguing the war was for oil. Each and every time these people were dismissed by Republicans as being Quacks, Communists, Socialists, Stupid, Disingenuous, Pussies, Etc. Republicans said it was about terrorism and 'Merican freedom.

Then, a couple days ago, John McCain said this.

Let's break it down:

A: McCain's soon-to-be-released energy policy will eliminate our dependence on oil from the Middle East.
Leads to B: This will prevent us from having to send our troops into war in the Middle East.

So we did go to war for oil afterall. Wow.

The people making this argument must feel soooooo vindicated.


G said...

Thank you for the welcome! I don't know what your daily list is but I will try to keep up.
Relating (tangentially) to your post, I'm proud of BO for opposing the gas tax holiday. Pandering at its worst! Treat the cause and not the symptoms.

margottt said...

is mr. L brother?

Oregoncornhusker said...

Garronius, I was going to blog about the gas tax proposal and how McCain and Hillary are sooooooooo wrong, but it seems every blogger, editorialist, and economist has already done that. So, it's covered. That said: What a terrrrrrrible policy proposal!

Oregoncornhusker said...

Margottt, nope, that's Garronius, one of my radest homies from Oregon