Tuesday, August 12, 2008

African Mail

I couldn't post about this until now because I didn't want to ruin the surprise for Serena, but here's a story I've been looking forward to sharing.

As most of you know Serena is in Swaziland (okay, don't go there, it hasn't been updated in months). To be the good friend I am, I sent her a package right after she left. Serena told me to use red ink on the package and also to reference Christianity. Apparently to Swazi mail workers red ink signifies important government documents and tampering could mean trouble. Furthermore, many are devout Christians and are more likely to respect the integrity of a package with Christian references.

We all know that a little Tylenol does good, so a LOT of Tylenol does better. Right? I applied this flawless logic to my packing technique:

The upper left reads, "Love they neighbor, not their personal mail." -Jesus
Across the bottom, "Jesus is Lord. Amen."

The back was a bit rich. On the left:
Jesus said, from verse 12 of The Book of Mail, "I most love those that open packages only intended for the recipients hands. Amen."
On the right a little poem, "God is good. Jesus is just. FYI This is for Serena. The above-mentioned desire it so."

Did it make it safely? Yesssssir.


Anonymous said...

This is amazing. Serena is one lucky lady to receive such a thoughtful and holy package. haha.


John David Penniman said...

Love this. Simply love it. Its kind of like the time I got pulled over by an Elon cop and pulled the Bible out of my glovebox and put it on the dashboard in order to endear myself to him.

Did I get a ticket? No. Am I going to hell? Maybe.