Friday, April 11, 2008

Spring Memories

Spring might finally be here. I hear the sound of a lawnmower, I see the the sun finally peaking through the clouds, the flowers and trees are blooming, and the refrigerator is creaking and bubbling... wait, not spring-related, but that things is loud though.

Yesterday Serena and I went to the Tulip Festival in Woodburn, Oregon. We forgot the camera, so no pictures :(, but I can tell you it was spectacular. It reminded me of a postcard I received from a friend in Europe that depicted the tulip fields in the Netherlands (I thiiiink it was the Netherlands). We don't often see such intensity in nature, so getting to see row after row of potent color is a real treat.

The picture on the right is of the blooming cherry trees in front of my apartment. They remind me of the Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, DC. I spent the last two springs in DC marveling at the cherry tree white-out on The Mall, so these blooming trees bring back strong memories of my time in DC. Yesterday, however, I was reading Stuff Hill People Like and was reminded of all the crappy things that happen on and off The Hill that made me want to leave.

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