Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Remote Blogging

This evening I'm coming to you from a new location: McMenamin's Pub and Brewery. Please withhold the ridicule, I already know I'm a Nerdlykins to be blogging while in a pub. McMenamin's is a popular semi-chain pub/brewhouse with locations peppered throughout the northwest. One of their trademarks is that each establishment has its own brewmaster who produces their beer on site.

This reminds me of something my dad and I talked about today: breweries. Apparently at the low point a few decades ago there were only about ten brewers in all of the United States (think Pabst, Budweiser, Coors, Yuengling, etc). Since then there has been a massive resurgence in micro-breweries, many of which are located in Oregon. In fact, one of my good friends from home is the brewmaster at Full Sail, a label out of Hood River, Oregon.

And that is all the beer talk for today.

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