Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Non-Paper Daily, 2.4.2009

*S-CHIP, a program that bring health care to impoverished kids, passed through Congress and was signed into law by Obama today. As our economic times get worse, this is a great move for helping our most vulnerable children stay afloat.

*Obama has outline plans to limit executive pay to $500,000 annually for those leaders of firms who are receiving federal financial assistance. Unfortunately there are plenty of loopholes, but it's still a step in the right direction.

*There is a movement at my high school to start a school garden. Just thought I'd share. Awesome.


Anonymous said...

I love the positive news! It's great to hear things are heading in the right direction in our country. And the school garden, awesome. At one of my elementary schools we had a school garden that classes would take turns caring for...pretty sweet. :)

Oregoncornhusker said...

Christine, was this elementary school in Union?