Thursday, February 26, 2009

Non-Paper Daily, 2.26.09

*Dood saves some lives, risks his own, then gets a ticket. Rough day.

*After a long delay, Hilda Solis was sworn in as Secretary of Labor, taking one step further to fill out Obama's cabinet. By all accounts I have read, she will be a strong advocate for labor which is a very good thing.

*Speaking of Obama's cabinet, former governor of Washington, Gary Locke, was nominated today to be Obama's Secretary of Commerce. After two strikeouts--Bill Richardson and Judd Gregg--we'll see if the third time's a charm. This post is looooowwww on the priority list, so no comment from me.

*Senator Jim Bunning, a Republican from Kentucky, is running way behind in polls that match him up with Democrats in mock reelection bids. Republicans want Bunning to step aside and let someone else hold onto the Republican-held seat. Bunning, however, is saying "BACK OFF!!!!" to the Republican establishment and is insisting that he will run for reelection. He's even gone so far as to threaten a law suit. The walls are crumbling down.

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