Monday, December 15, 2008

Non-Paper Daily, 12.15.2008

*If you had not already heard, President Bush went on an unannounced trip to Iraq for a signing of the most recent agreement for the pullout of American troops within about two years. While at the ceremony an Arab journalist threw both his shoes (one at a time) at Bush, who demonstrated some nimble dodging. Apparently in Arab cultures, throwing one's shoes at someone is the ultimate gesture of disdain. Who knew? As to be expected, the journalist has become something of a celebrity for standing up to the President of the United States. The video:

*The scuttle is that Caroline Kennedy is actively pursuing Hillary Clinton's senate seat. It is the same seat that the late Senator Bobby Kennedy once held. Political dynasties are not good for our system. Plus, as Kevin pointed out, the rich and famous already have political access a leg up in elections. Count me out on this one.

*Barack Obama has tapped Steven Chu to be the next Secretary of Energy. Not only is he smart (he's a Nobel Laureate) but he's also one of the favorites from the environmental community. Additionally, Obama named Nancy Sutley to head the White House Council on Environmental Quality. As Steve pointed out, in terms of diversity, that adds a second Asian American to Obama's cabinet and the first openly gay member of any cabinet, all serving under the first non-white President of the United States. Positive steps indeed.

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