Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Coming Shortage?

This kind of thing is fascinating to me: An impending shortage of a material largely-unknown to the general population used for making magnets is causing a stir of research to find a replacement. Magnets, which play an important role in the operation of electronics, are made up a various metal combinations, neodymium being the most efficient known. Currently the United States relies on China for their supply, a precarious position to be in if the spigot is closed off.

This is interesting because in our current political environment we drone on endlessly about silly things: death panels, haggling over tiny pockets of oil drilling rights, accusations of socialism/fascism, etc. All the while, smaller, much less flashy but no less important problems, go unnoticed. Sigh.

1 comment:

Niki said...

Ok, I should admit right away that I haven't even read this post yet because I AM FREAKING OUT! YOU BROUGHT IT BACK?!!?!? IN FEBRUARY!!! FOR MY BIRTHDAY?!!??? AND I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW?????????????

Every one of those punctuation marks was necessary for you to understand how I am feeling right now. I will comment further when I have cried, thrown-up and snorted some xanax.