Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Iceland Volcano Goes Boom

I heard an interesting report today on NPR about some of the effects of the volcano that is spewing ash in Iceland. A highly publicized byproduct is that air traffic has dramatically been slowed due to safety concerns. As a result, fresh food isn't making it to Britain and they don't have enough local production to keep up with demand. Add this to the list of "Reasons Why Local Food Production Is Good."

Interestingly this reminded me of a conversation I had few years ago about how our food supply chain relies heavily on an uninterrupted transportation network. If things go belly up--ie earthquake, major storm, etc--all of the fresh food in a typical supermarket will be gone in a few days. No more broccoli and asparagus from Chile. The whole conversation came up not in terms of missing out on delicious culinary delights, rather on how dangerous and unstable that can be for a society. How courteous and community-minded would you be if there wasn't food to put on the table?


Josef Mielke said...

Moral of the story is we should all have our own backyard gardens. Without a doubt they will come in handy.

Oregoncornhusker said...

Yes! Of coures, they're good for this and many other redeeming qualities