Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Blogging Funk

I think I have figured it out. The blogging funk: Nearly all of my day--from 6:30am until 6:30pm--I am a creature of the public school system. First is school, then is soccer. After dinner and a little reading it is back to bed to prepare for another day. This leaves me with little time for other experiences.

"Then blog about school and soccer!" I hear you all crying out.

Sound the horns. I've decided that, in general, school and soccer and bloff-limits (blogging+off-limits=bloff-limits... simple algebra really). It's not fair to the students nor professional to discuss those things that happen during the school day with students. That leaves me with a couple hours at night to experience bloggable things. Quite frankly, that hasn't been happening.

So now we know what's going on. Perhaps starting in a month (after soccer) things will change. In the meantime maybe I'll start making stuff up.


Chris Chambers said...

You're making it sound like someone actually reads this blog.

Oregoncornhusker said...

Ahhhahahaha. Guess that leaves just you and me.

margot said...

blogging is tres hard when one works all day.. i hear ya... i feel all this pressure now with the re-design

Andrew said...

Chris.... that's kinda mean.

Oregoncornhusker said...

Agreed. Quick breaking my heart Chris.

Hearts to you Andy.

Serena said...

Aha. This makes sense. You could just let me guest blog.