Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Well Holy Hell

The big news around the United States' political circles in the party switching from Republican to Democrat of long-time Senator Arlen Spector of Pennsylvania. Assuming Al Franken eventually gets seated as the 100th senator, that will give Democrats a 60 to 40 majority, making it that much easier to overcome Republican filibusters of everyday legislation.

I thought it was interesting that my thoughts were less about the majority and more about this: What does his staff do? Most likely they are true believers in the mold of the Republican party as that is likely why they are living and working in Washington, DC. Will they stay loyal to their boss and keep their scarce jobs (Republican staffers are not in need in the current Democrat-dominated scene) or take off in light of the party switch? Inquiring minds want to know.

1 comment:

Josh said...

Since no one comments on your political commentary pieces I'll jump in. Tired of the teaching gig? It's your chance to go help Arlen get a little more liberal! Come on, Mr. Specter, can't you just give your new party a little help and support your president's budget? It's not that hard! Still, this was huge news. Huge.