Friday, March 27, 2009

Fascinating Map

I couldn't insert the map on the blog, but go here to see a map that breaks down the 2008 presidential election color coded by who won each congressional district. Blue=Obama, Red=McCain. As we all know, Barack dominated the contest in total votes, percentage of votes, and electoral votes. However, if the election were based on something completely arbitrary, say the cumulative square miles of congressional districts won, McCain would have taken the 2008 election to the house.

The big takeaway is this: Democrats dominate in small, densely populated areas and Republicans wipe the floor in wide open, rural regions. A question came up in my civics class the other day about why this is the case. I thought I knew the answer, but after putting some thought into it, I'm not sure what the real reasons are for this phenomenon. Thoughts?


Josh said...

See if you can find a map that shows the same districts with median education level. That would be very telling and probably give you an answer of sorts. Look at the northeast. We are liberal!

Oregoncornhusker said...

Look at you Josh, talking about education... a northeast liberal elite!